Indian Church Held Joint Gathering with Student Group
A joint gathering of passionate students was held at St Joseph's College, Bangalore this week.
The event was a joint effort of Bangalore Ephesus Community Church and Christian Student Association (CSA), a Christian body in the college. The students that attended the event were of varied faith and communities.
Firbose Zahera, a Muslim student from first year undergraduate was among many who attended the meeting. "I am a Muslim but I felt drawn to attend the gathering. I hope to learn more," said Zahera.
The facilitator for the service was Pastor Solomon Dinakar from Abnazarena Church, Whitefield. A message was given of hope and the meaning of life. "It was the first time such an event was possible in the campus. It gave an opportunity to introduce and inspire the students to focus on spiritual aspects," shared the campus minister.
The merciful God had truly made the Chapel meeting successful. Prior to this, the campus minister and other students who volunteered gathered every morning and offered prayers for revival in the college. "God has answered our prayers. We will set up our hopes high and plan bigger," the campus minister added.