Thanksgiving Day Service Across US: Reflect on the Grace the Lord Has Given Us

Thanksgiving Day Service Across US: Reflect on the Grace the Lord Has Given Us

On November 23rd, a Thanksgiving Day service was held across United States. In New York, the Thanksgiving Service included a video presentation about gratitude for the many blessings God has brought for the year so far.

The sermon was delivered by Rev. David Jang. He highlighted the meaning of Thanksgiving by using the scriptures in 1 Thessalonians 5:18 and 2 Thessalonians 2:13-15.

"It's telling us to be thankful. This is the will of God towards us," Rev. Jang said. "Thanksgiving started from the Americans in the US. The migrants who came from Europe to the US were people of faith and believed in Jesus Christ. They crossed the Atlantic Ocean with many difficulties and they settled. With the harvest, they gathered, they are offering to God and it's how it began.  This tradition should keep well, to live with a thankful heart."

He spoke about the heart and the importance of remembering the gratitude.

"It says to be thankful but we are not thankful. Why is it like that? It's because we forget what God has done for us. The basic of faith is rather than looking at what we can do for God - although that's important - what is more important than that is to remember and not forget the Lord's grace he has given us. As we reflect on this one year, he has given us many things."

In Los Angeles, the congregation was encouraged to embrace the Christian culture of listening to the Word, pray and devoting themselves to God; with the firm conviction of God's will and calling over their lives.

Following a graceful time of praise, Rev. Andrew Lin delivered his message that was taken from 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18, which he entitled 'For this is God's Will for You in Christ Jesus'.

The congregation was exhorted, "Apostle Paul is asking us not to fall asleep in our faith. As Christians, our culture is very important. We should not let the culture of the world enter us. When Noah made the ark, he coated it with pitch. Why are we here? It is because God brought us here. The Lord is our shepherd, we lack nothing, and He refreshes our souls. If we have this confession, we are true Christians. God gave us this place so that we gather thousands of people here."

Rev. Lin further added, "Today's passage is perfect for Thanksgiving. To be joyful; we need to learn to appreciate things. Paul said to rejoice and be happy always. It is as simple as that. Second thing Paul said was, pray continuously. Pray all the time. We need to devote our life to the ministry. Finally Paul says, give thanks in all circumstances. No matter what is the circumstance, God will overturn it. Amazing things will happen as there is always victory in Christ."

"Let us have a great thanksgiving as this is the will of our Father for us."

Other cities have also celebrated the day with services and praises giving in thankfulness to the Lord. God has given so many precious things to them and they lack nothing. May they also be satisfied in the Word and rejoice in the victory in Jesus Christ.



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