Worldwide Prepares for Easter Retreat, "Remembering the Resurrection of Jesus"
Easter is the celebration of the resurrection of Jesus from the tomb on the third day after his crucifixion. Easter is the fulfilled prophecy of the Messiah who would be persecuted, die for our sins, and rise on the third day (Isaiah 53). Remembering the resurrection of Jesus is a way to renew daily hope that we have victory over sin.
Throughout the globe, churches are preparing to hold a retreat in order to celebrate this glorious event. The members will be gathering on different locations.
North America region will be holding multiple retreats on different countries such as Mexico, Nicaragua, Haiti, and Puerto Rico.
Asia Pacific will be holding a massive Easter retreat in Asia Pacific Olivet Center after the OLI session. The retreat will be promoting fellowships and ministries, and the overall mission of the church. The theme they will use will be "I am the resurrection and life."
In United States will be holding two major retreats, one in the New York and the other will be held in Los Angeles. New York retreat will be hosting a 3-day Easter retreat and currently finalizing all major changes and preparations.
In preparation for Easter Retreat, South East Asia is Intensifying efforts for the upcoming Easter retreats. Olivet Assembly of Southeast Asia ministers are encouraged to participate actively in the 'No Other Name' evangelism campaign where names of those that are being evangelized for the particular day will be shared and prayed for each day.
In Eurasia, Easter retreat a major retreat in Kyiv will host participants from Moldova, Estonia, and Russia.
South America, Europe, and Africa will be prioritizing retreats in each region. Most churches are in an effort to gather and bring people to the church, and to promote the resurrection of our Christ Jesus.