Jubilee Develops Theater Structure and Programing with Annual Goals

Jubilee Theater

Jubilee World HQ has started to develop the theater programming and venue operation. The structure will involve 3 primary mission focuses;

Jubilee's Mission in Performing Arts

The primary mission of the theater is to have Jubilee showcase first-class concerts and events focused on worship and building a fellowship of musicians and artists proclaiming the Lord. With this aspect, a secondary goal must be established for every event. All members and staff must have a primary goal for each event to work towards. By developing a theme for each event and a common goal, all participants have a purpose and milestone to work towards. This includes event goals such as a fundraising plan for a collective cause in the fellowship and community. Tickets can be utilized as a donation base toward the event with proceeds going towards the collective goal. Seats can be assigned different donation levels for each event.

Business Plan with Revenue Flows

The theater has to be also developed as a business with revenue sources to run and maintain the venue. In order to have the theater run successfully, it must be utilized on regular bases. Jubilee must structure a yearly event program with goals for each event. Additionally, other events and revenue generating streams must be formed to ensure sustainability in the overall missions. This includes concert recordings and videos made available for purchase. By constructing a yearly event program, the total cost for the theater and the goals can be established.

The scope of public events must also fit within Jubilee's primary mission and focus. This includes organizations and programming that fits with Jubilee's goals and vision.


An experienced staff is now being developed to efficiently run the theater. This includes directors, advisors, audio and visual engineers, stagehands and venue crew that has previously worked at the theater. This will allow the theater to be opened and run fully without extra training and learning time-frame.
The cost of staff must also be structured in the annual budget for events and overall operation. Full-time staff such as director, maintenance, and admin, as well as secondary staff such as stagehands, audio, and visual.

Theater Restoration

In order to fulfill the overall vision and mission of the theater, renovation and restorations must be made within 4 months to fully open for the GA concert. This includes roof repair, bathroom renovations, venue repairs and architectural restoration. Jubilee is currently working with historical organizations and individuals that have previously restored theaters in St. Louis. These advisors will enable Jubilee to acquire special historical landmark benefits, such as, government tax saving programs, investors, and special funding sources. 
Please pray for the continued development of the theater and that God guides Jubilee HQ in every step. 

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