Prayer for Christianity in Somalia
The Somali diaspora numbers about six million. Ethiopia (4.2m), Yemen (900,000), Kenya (500,000) and Djibouti (300,000) host the largest numbers. A large proportion of refugees are often marginalized in their host countries. A further 1.4 million are internally displaced within Somalia. A number of mission agencies seek to reach Somalis in various countries. Pray that these ministries may have a powerful impact on Somalis and that viable Somali churches may be planted; responsiveness is greater outside of Somalia.
Christian specialist ministries:
a) The Somali Bible was first published in 1977; a recent revision is currently on sale in the USA and Kenya. Distribution can occur only outside of Somalia. Pray for the wide dissemination of the Scriptures.
b) Bible translation for the Maay Somali (Rahanwein clan), whose language is somewhat divergent, is in progress.
c) Christian radio is a vital evangelistic and pre-evangelistic tool for reaching Somalis from outside the country. Pray for the work of Somali Voice of New Life (CNC-SIM), Voice of the Path of Peace and broadcasts of FEBA, TWR, IBRA and Adventist World Radio. It is a constant struggle to maintain, and a challenge to expand, this service.
d) Other formats of Christian material for Somalis include audio resources from GRN and Bible Voice, websites such as Somali Christian Ministries and Bible Correspondence courses (CNC).