Presentations and Discussions Held on Day 2 of Latin America Conference

latin america

South America and North America leaders gave presentations on Day 2, January 24 of the 2nd Latin America Conference 2017 in Bogatá, Colombia. The presenters detailed their mission field and future goals. Each leader presented with the vision and glory of God that is with them in their cities and countries.

First, city leaders from Venezuela presented about the uniqueness of each place and the diverse strategies implemented to bring meaningful results. OA Venezuela now has churches established in cities of Caracas, Puerto Plata, Los Teques, Barcelona, Maturin, and Barinas.

During the conference few issues were addressed. In order for the church to develop, it was emphasized that leaders need to be raised. Discussion was held on establishing a large mission center where leaders will be sent and trained with proper teaching and biblical foundations. 

National leaders from Panama, Bolivia, Argentina, Brazil, Uruguay, Peru, Ecuador, and Chile also presented about their mission field and its progress.

Missionaries were touched and encouraged by each other's mission progress and future goals. In the afternoon, lectures were given on the topic "What is the church?" and "What is church planting?" 

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