Prayer Needs for Churches Persecuted by ISIS


Iraq has become a center of violence and conquest, as the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria and the Levant has grown in power over the years, since 2006.
Originally associated with Al­ Qaeda they are now free agents, proclaiming a new Caliphate under Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, an alleged descendant of Muhammed.

Using methods which are actually declared as war crimes and humanitarian rights violations by major international agencies, ISIS forces have taken a territory the size of Pensylvania in Iraq. Later, as a civil war erupted in Syria, it fell into the hands of ISIS as well.
Iraqi and Syriac forces are too weak to fight back the increasingly powerful foe by themselves, and have requested the aid of other countries including, the U.S.A. However, western nations fear that their involvement would reinforce recruitment among angered Islamic citizens of the countries who have suffered from prolonged warfare.
Over the course of the last few years The Islamic State has invaded and conquered land in Iraq and Syria through a series of campaigns. In the towns and cities captured, most notably Mosul, the second largest city in Iraq, those Christians who were not able to leave were given a choice to be killed or converted.
Refugees from these have fled to temporary camps in Kurdistan. Although Churches are doing their best to provide for displaced Christians, there is no way to meet the growing needs of refugees, who struggle to find adequate housing and even lack some of the basic necessities such as food and fresh water.
Some young Christian families are even going as far as resorting to prostitution to provide for the health and welfare of their families.
A Church in Iraq has asked for prayers for those fleeing the war-torn regions of the north, hoping that through God's mercy they can provide for those in great need, who have been entrusted to them. 

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